Today this vegan ate...

On June 20th, 2013...

I'd say I was lazy but I worked 11 hours on this particular day.
In fact at the time I started taking pictures for this blog, I was very busy, working 50 hour weeks.
What I'm trying to say is, I don't always just eat taco salad.
You'll see that soon enough, because I've taken pictures from June 18th through August 28th and counting...
Eventually, I'll catch up to the present day. But for now, here is what I ate on June 20th:

For breakfast:

At work I had 1 or 2 of these:

For Lunch, I finished up the last of this:

For dinner, Julie made this while I worked overtime:

Yesterday... Let me start over The Next Day, I ate...

Questions? Comments? Suggestions?
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