What do vegans eat? Vegans eat awesome food.

You're vegan? What do you eat?

Old Newsflash: I went vegetarian in September 2009, and then it gradually dawned on me that I do not need to use animals for food. So I went vegan on June 18th, 2012 and have been vegan since then. It is now 2015. So, what do I eat then, you might ask?

Here's what I ate on June 18th, 2013
(Click any image to see the full day)

And here's what I ate on June 19th
(I didn't just eat olives and taco salad. Click image to see the whole day.)

And then on June 20th

Friday June 21st

Saturday June 22nd

Sunday June 23rd

Monday June 24th

Tuesday June 25th

Wednesday June 26th

Thursday June 27th

Friday June 28th

Saturday June 29th

Sunday June 30th

I continued eating after June 30th. I don't think I'll ever stop eating.

There's a good chance I'm eating something right now as you're reading this.

Questions? Comments? Suggestions?
Please email me: mail@stuartswanson.com

And remember, you can always visit my website which you are already on.